In centres de la petite enfance (CPEs), two-thirds of staff working directly with children will require a three-year Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC), or a one-year Attestation d'études collégiales (AEC) and three years experience. The experience may be gained before, during or after the period of study. In garderies, the requirement for two-thirds of staff to meet these qualifications will become effective in 2011. Currently, one-third of staff in garderies must meet these qualifications. In addition, the holder of a CPE must have a person employed who is responsible for management of the CPE, for planning and for organization of direction, control and evaluation of programs and means of the CPE. This person acts under the authority of the board committee, which is predominantly composed of parents.
There are no educational requirements for the other one-third of staff to work in either a CPE or a garderie in Québec.
The Ministère de la Famille et des Ainés (MFA) is responsible for regulated child care in Quebec.
Québec does not issue certificates for individuals who meet the staff qualifications for employment in regulated child care programs.
The Ministry of Education assesses the ECE program against 22 ECE competencies or Techniques d'éducation à l'enfance. Each of these websites includes a drop-down menu to find public and or private approved ECE colleges.
Programs are reviewed every five years in order to determine continued compliance with the defined competencies.
Cégep@distance is an alternative for people who have time and distance constraints but who wish to continue their education. Cégep@distance is a full-fledged member of Québec's college network and provides training that is recognized as equivalent to classroom training offered in Quebec's CEGEP programs. At the current time, Cégep@distance offers the full one-year Attestation d'études collégiales(AEC) course by distance in French language only. Course for the three-year Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC) program are now being developed.
The one-year Attestation d'études collégiales certificate may be offered at any of the private or public colleges in the province.
The following post-secondary credentials and/or experience are recognized as equivalent training:
Two-year ECE programs of at least 1,800 hours are deemed equivalent to a DEC. Individuals must have a secondary school diploma earned in another province of Canada because, outside Québec, high school education is one year longer than in Québec.
One-year ECE certificate programs between 750 and 1,800 hours are deemed equivalent to an attestation of college studies (ACS) or a university certificate in Québec. No equivalency is granted for graduates of other early childhood programs comprising less than 750 hours of training.
Individuals must present a copy of their diploma and official transcript to the child care licensee.
Some diplomas earned outside Canada may be recognized in Québec. In order to be considered as qualified, the education and experience requirements must be identical to those required of Québec graduates.
Individuals who have completed studies abroad must complete the request for a "Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec" issued by the Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles. This document compares programs outside the province with the Québec educational system and its principal diplomas. See list of documents that must be sent with the request form.
Family child care providers must complete a 45-hour training program on child development, health, safety and diet issues, and organization and leadership in a "life environment", and must have a valid first-aid certificate. Criminal reference and child care abuse registry checks must be completed for the provider and any family members over 14 years old. Interviews must also be completed with all family members over 14 years old. The provider must also obtain two positive references from community members (not members of family); medical, physical and mental certificate. Providers must complete six hours of professional development every year and receive an evaluation every year by the coordinating office staff. Providers are supervised by a CPE or by a family child care coordinating office.
With the exception of Registered Early Childhood Educators from Ontario, all other individuals from out of province or out of country must have their credentials reviewed by the Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles.
Denis Paiement
Ministère de la Famille et des Aînés
600, rue Fullum
Montréal, Québec H2K 4S7
Telephone: (514) 873-6271;
Toll-free: 1-888-643-4721
Centre d'expertise sur les formation acquises hors du Québec
Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles
255, boulevard Crémazie Est, 8e étage
Montéal, Québec H2M 1M2
Telephone: (514) 864-9191;
Toll-free: 1-877-264-6164
Fax: (514) 873-8701
Copyright Canadian Child Care Human Resources Sector Council
Formerly funded by the Government of Canada's Sector Council Program
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