Requirements to work in regulated group child care - Quebec


In centres de la petite enfance (CPEs), two-thirds of staff working directly with children will require a three-year Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC), or a one-year Attestation d'études collégiales (AEC) and three years experience. The experience may be gained before, during or after the period of study.  In garderies, the requirement for two-thirds of staff to meet these qualifications will become effective in 2011.  Currently, one-third of staff in garderies must meet these qualifications.  In addition, the holder of a CPE must have a person employed who is responsible for management of the CPE, for planning and for organization of direction, control and evaluation of programs and means of the CPE. This person acts under the authority of the board committee, which is predominantly composed of parents.

There are no educational requirements for the other one-third of staff to work in either a CPE or a garderie in Québec.

The Ministère de la Famille et des Ainés (MFA) is responsible for regulated child care in Quebec.