Projects & Publications


This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board

Our projects produced research and developed strategies and tools to meet the needs of the child care workforce and achieve related goals. Click on the titles of our projects for more information.

This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board

Child care is offered in a variety of settings and contexts. This section of the HR Toolkit provides a broad overview of unionized workplaces and HR implications. Unions are organizations of workers who come together to collectively improve and protect working conditions. Workers in Canada are guaranteed freedom of association and have the right to belong to unions.


Certification does not expire and does not need to be renewed.


Bonny Harvey
President, Board of Directors, the Preschool Centre
Fredericton, New Brunswick

As competition for employees increases, attracting and retaining employees will become a challenge. An important part of job quality is the opportunities that employers provide for professional development.

This information was last updated on February 1, 2013 prior to the CCHRSC’s dissolution. For more information, please see the message from the Board
